Enterprise Strategies


Business Benefits What were the problems which needed to be fixed? How to efficiently and effectively connect c.2100 people across 8 primary supply pharmaceutical factories, predominantly in the UK and 2 international factories, plus collaborate with head office support function staff and management. How would you have fixed it in the past,...

What was the problem you were trying to fix? How to create an online collaborative community that immerses new starters into the organisation. The goal being to help new starters get up to speed with who we are, what we stand for as a company, gain...

Working Out Loud in a Network #wolan   Have you tried Working Out Loud in a Network #wolan? A four-part change management approach: 1. #wolan model. Combines Working Out Loud with enterprise business tools e.g. Enterprise Social Networks. Purpose is to nurture conversations to help fix business problems,...

This post originally appears on Allison Maguire's LinkedIn. Have you ever written an email that was received by someone in a way you did not intend? I'd wager that scenario only had to play out a couple of times before you modified your behavior, reading and re-reading...

This post originally appeared on Lesley Crook's LinkedIn. In the past two weeks I've gotten to hangout with some really cool Dutch people, talking Dutch. However, I live in the UK and do not speak a word of Dutch. This has been enabled by Facebook machine-based...

This post originally appears on Lesley Crook's LinkedIn. "THAT WAS THE WEEK THAT WAS" (twtwtw) was a satirical BBC comedy in the 1960s. It broke new ground lampooning the establishment and political figures. Am I right in thinking "twtwtw" was the first TV show acronym-hashtag created over...

67% OF EMPLOYEES BELIEVE THAT THERE ARE OTHER EMPLOYEES WHO CAN HELP THEM BE MORE EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE*   For many business leaders, seamless collaboration is a top priority, but knowing how to collaborate successfully within an organization can be challenging. Regardless of the industry, collaborative roadblocks...

Andy Jankowski, founder of Enterprise Strategies and intranet expert, spoke at the IABC World Conference in San Francisco this summer as a guest of Igloo Software. As he spoke these words, his audience of internal communication professionals sat in silence. They weren’t awestruck-- as this...

Driving for a Successful Back Nine of Internal Communication Topgolf found themselves halfway through the match with discouraged associates and growing irritation.  Only nine holes in and frustration was apparent.  Executives were leaving the match early.  Associates were hitting golf balls blindly into a digital abyss.  The...