Enterprise Strategies

Employee Engagement

"When you’ve finished changing, you’re finished." – Benjamin Franklin The world we live in is consistently evolving – everywhere, all the time, something is changing. When taking the time to really think about that, constant change seems daunting. With everything happening so quickly and suddenly, keeping...

An MIT Sloan Management Review article suggests there are three components for becoming a more digital organization, including digitization, digitalization and digital transformation. Organizations should engage in three steps to ensure the best choices are being made. Image from MIT Sloan Management Review Based on the graphic...

Taking the time to recognize and praise your team is something that is often forgotten about or ignored. Research from Aon Hewitt suggests leaders who do not make employee recognition a priority are missing an opportunity to keep employees happy and engaged. There is also a...

Co-Author Tobi Anderson The need for knowledge work continues to grow. You've likely heard the recent buzz about artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, chatbots, and the like - and the threat to jobs by these disruptive technologies. Despite the threat of automation, the reality is that knowledge...

Our workplaces are changing constantly, and competition to get and retain the best talent is growing. New job roles and opportunities are being developed daily, and workers are increasingly looking for companies that can provide value to them, too. According to research by Willis Towers...

What kinds of teams have you been a part of? Maybe a sports team or theatre group, a dreaded school or work project group, or an implementation team to bring a new technology at work. Many can attest that working with teams can go really...