Enterprise Strategies

Making Digital Changes and Plans at Your Organization

Making Digital Changes and Plans at Your Organization

An MIT Sloan Management Review article suggests there are three components for becoming a more digital organization, including digitization, digitalization and digital transformation. Organizations should engage in three steps to ensure the best choices are being made.

Image from MIT Sloan Management Review

Based on the graphic above, each portion is attained when the organization does extensive research, consults with employees, and discusses with advisors.


Before beginning the process of digitization, a workforce should spend a significant amount of time preparing. This process typically includes conducting your own research as well as using others’ research to analyze industry trends and best practices, and to develop new ideas. What works for one company may not work for another, but understanding what other organizations are working towards, and what has been successful elsewhere, helps cultivate the best strategy for your workplace. This is true of each component of digitalization, including making decisions about the right technology for your company, the changing of business processes, and the entire restructuring of your organization to be more digitally focused.


Another essential component for achieving digitalization is taking the time to consult with employees. Employee brainstorming sessions can provide vital feedback to company superiors, which allow the formation of a plan that is unique to your organization’s needs. Often, company employees are the people with the best ideas for change – even if they do not have a background in something technology or strategy focused, their insight gives executives an idea of what works and what does not at their company. Since this will be different everywhere, comparing employee ideas with industry trends allows for a unique perspective and ensures a strategy that is tailored to the company.


Speaking with outside advisors on particular subjects offers another viewpoint when making plans and decisions. Advisors are essential because of their extensive experience in the particular industry, and typically provide a more objective suggestion. Advisors base their recommendations on their own research and education as well as expertise in a particular area because of working on similar projects with other companies. Typically, advisors specialize in the industry or area of business and suggest ideas that may not initially be thought of by your digitalization team. Besides being a sounding board and providing their own ideas, advisors can also share the workload with a team that has many other responsibilities besides successfully digitalizing their organization.

Focusing on being more digital at your organization is essential to keep up with the modern workforce. Be prepared to spend plenty of time researching and discussing with others in order to make the best plan possible, and be open to adapt and change the process as you go.

“Most of the executives I talk to are still very much focused on digital largely as a way to do “more of the same,” just more efficiently, quickly, cost effectively. But I don’t see a lot of evidence of fundamentally stepping back and rethinking, at a basic level, “What business are we really in?” – John Hagel III, Co-Chairman at Deloitte LLP Center for Edge leaders