Enterprise Strategies

Social Business

Social proof is a term that has been getting more and more attention now that a great majority of businesses are starting to invest serious effort and serious marketing dollars into their online properties and assets such as blogs, websites, fan pages, etc. Competition is Fierce Having...

Business and trends often go hand in hand, but for many the idea of capitalizing on trends within social media and the various social networks often gets neglected or even overlooked all together! The immediacy of events taking place within your social circle can lend...

Friending. Tweeting. Now, Pinning? It is hard to ignore Pinterest, growing at a record-setting pace to become the third most visited social site in the world this year and valued at over $7 billion. Individuals can share recipes and marketers can promote products on Pinterest,...

Who needs it? Social media monitoring is something that every business should plan to undertake and to consider as a crucial component to the structure of their social media campaigns. With their being so many businesses, the use of social media could help a lot. As...

Clout used to be a vague term that referred to someone’s influence in general. You could have a lot of clout in certain circles, some clout in general or no clout at all. It was fuzzy and that was fine. That was before Klout. Now...

A message from Adam. "A journey of 1000 miles begins with 1 step." – yes, but it won’t end until 1000 miles later (that’s the part they never tell you!) I consider myself very fortunate. Unlike so many people who search their whole lives, I always knew...

If enterprise forecasters such as Hutch Carpenter of Spigit are correct, location-based technologies will enter the business place as part of enterprise social media tools in 2012. Alex Williams discusses the issue in a ReadWriteWeb post back in 2010, crediting Carpenter for recognizing the two-year...

As an Enterprise Social Media advocate, you may find yourself singing the praises of internal social media strategies for a number of audiences who are tentative about this “new” way of communicating, sharing information and working. Communicating with a mobile workforce is absolutely key for...

2011 Social Intranet Summit This year's Social Intranet Summit was even better than the last. One great speaker after another, presenting both real world, usable content and the inspiration needed to drive change in your organization. This, coupled with well thought out content curation and conference...