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A positive employee experience and atmosphere is a major component to a company’s success. Having an environment that is stressful or not conducive to your employees makes it very difficult to have engaged employees that give their best work. These issues could range from not...

Remote working is a hot topic right now, and conversation about working from home (or anywhere) is only growing. The idea has both supporters and critics, but when done correctly, your team can effectively do its job anywhere, and potentially be more satisfied personally and...

Leadership development is essential to a company’s success – without good, talented people leading your team, having a common purpose and direction is not easy. No wonder why Catalyst 14 coaching courses are available these days. According to The State of Leadership Development from Harvard...

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” – John F. Kennedy After completing your education and beginning work, finding opportunities for learning and growth can become difficult. For one, if you do not have an interest in learning new skills or being challenged in your...

With over half a billion users reported at the end of last year, it’s no surprise that LinkedIn, now owned by Microsoft, is the leading social media platform for the professional world. Even just a few years ago, the features available to users and the...

Employee engagement, or lack thereof, is a big topic of conversation right now because of the shockingly low amount of employees who are engaged (33% in the U.S.). Several factors go into helping an employee be engaged and do their best work. As an employer,...

Every day, employees carry out their day-to-day tasks and attend meetings, often in an office space. Increasingly, employees are allowed or even encouraged to work remotely, even if just part-time. In fact, 43% of people work remotely at least sometimes, and the number is only...

Welcome back. While the weeks after the holidays can be painful at times (we’re all missing the champagne, dessert and naps), this is a perfect time to reflect on 2017 and prepare for 2018 – it’s only just begun! Many make personal New Year's resolutions...

With the New Year quickly approaching, many begin thinking about goals and vision for the coming year. Companies are no different. The year-end is the perfect time to evaluate where you have been, where you would like to be, and exactly how to get there....