Enterprise Strategies

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  Enterprise transformations are often complex, multi-faceted projects that aim to modernize and streamline critical business functions. Despite the best intentions and meticulous planning, these initiatives can sometimes falter, leading to delays, cost overruns, and unmet objectives. When an enterprise transformation is not going well, it...

A positive employee experience and atmosphere is a major component to a company’s success. Having an environment that is stressful or not conducive to your employees makes it very difficult to have engaged employees that give their best work. These issues could range from not...

With over half a billion users reported at the end of last year, it’s no surprise that LinkedIn, now owned by Microsoft, is the leading social media platform for the professional world. Even just a few years ago, the features available to users and the...

Finding and maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for success and happiness. Doing so does not sound so difficult in theory - work your set hours, then after you leave the office, make time for leisure activities and other obligations. But, for the average...

We’ve all dreaded an inbox of emails after a long vacation—or even just the weekend. Today, with enterprise social networks gaining adoption in small businesses and large corporations, it’s likely some of these emails are notifications from your enterprise social network, such as Yammer or Chatter....

67% OF EMPLOYEES BELIEVE THAT THERE ARE OTHER EMPLOYEES WHO CAN HELP THEM BE MORE EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE*   For many business leaders, seamless collaboration is a top priority, but knowing how to collaborate successfully within an organization can be challenging. Regardless of the industry, collaborative roadblocks...