Many organizations desire a digital strategy centered around communication and collaboration. A hub that engages colleagues by fostering social collaboration and unlocking collective business memory is critical to the success of a business. This hub builds a vibrant community of knowledge. It is important not to overlook strategy while implementing digital tools and technologies. If your past digital initiatives seem to be falling short of expectations, it may be a missing or ineffective strategy that caused that the problem. Omitting strategy can result in an inefficient or ineffective rollout of an expensive tool. This i why after you have read this article, we recommend checking out The Final Step: i t strategy: a blog post for yourself!
Sound familiar? It sounds like you need a strategy, a big one!
Companies that are digitally mature are more likely to embrace the most strategic technologies. Alternatively, digitally-nascent organizations tend to focus on individual technologies that are tactical and, therefore, have less impact on the big picture over the long term. According to the MIT Sloan research report, Aligning the Organization for its Digital Future, companies lagging in or refusing digital transformation altogether face the risk of losing substantial portions of their sales, IT leadership, and senior management.
A fully functioning interconnected digital workplace is the goal, but not every workplace is the same. Not everyone can go digital in the same way. Many business leaders find themselves in uncharted waters when planning and executing their digital strategy. As noted by MIT Sloan, most companies are constrained by a lack of resources or talent and the pull of other priorities. These constraints leave executives to manage limited digital initiatives within a given division, function, or channel.
Keeping pace with the latest digital trends can be an overwhelming task. On-boarding a team of experienced technology professionals to help complete these types of projects enables businesses to act fast and deploy digital innovations at light speed.
Savvy leaders must first visualize the form they want their business to take, the collaborative culture they want to have in the workplace and the methods available to engage their employees. A solid strategy will maximize your digital transformation.