2010 marked the inaugural run of the Social Intranet Summit Vancouver. Intranet thought leaders and practitioners gathered in the visually stunning Vancouver Convention Center to illustrate trends, share ideas and discuss what’s working in the rapidly evolving world of social intranets and digital workplaces.
Dion Hinchcliffe kicked off the event with “10 strategies for getting the most out of your social intranet.” I followed with an overview of IBF’s Digital Workplace Maturity Model. The rest of the day was a rapid fire procession of 20 to 30 minute presentations by the who’s who, and most importantly, “who’s doing” in the social intranet space. The compressed timeframe kept us moving. The high quality content and dynamic presentations kept us in engaged. So what were the takeaways? In pure social style, let’s hear from the participants.
@sy4me_Jared Information superabundance is not the problem, it’s the filters paraphrased @dhinchcliffe #SISV
@sy4me_Jared If your social intranet is not aimed at driving the business KPI’s, you’re aiming at the wrong thing. @dhinchcliffe #SISV
@SEE_EYE_OH By employing social media IBM reduced 29% of its email traffic last year. Siemens eliminating email altogether via #e20 platform #sisv
@bkmull3n Everyone who makes a contribution to the social intranet enriches the entire organization #sisv #thoughtfarmer
@theothervoog Search, links, authorship, tags. Extensions, signals – why social software works #SISV
@sy4me_Jared Effective enterprise search is a central pillar of a successful social intranet and is the key to ROI @dhinchcliffe #SISV
@theothervoog RT @sy4me_Jared: If you want to retain employees, increase satisfaction invest not in the physical space, but in the digital workplace #SISV @andyjankowski
@bkuhn RT @SEE_EYE_OH: Rethinking workplace to shift from “perceived activity” to “results” Parallels to where education should be headed. #sisv @andyjankowski
@selmaz If innovation is your goal focus on community & collaboration with your social intranet #sisv @andyjankowski
@EphraimJF Don’t be like the salmon; don’t swim upstream in designing ROI measurements that don’t fit your company #SISV @bryanrobertson
@andyjankowski “Intangible assets can be quantified in their ability to help a company execute its strategy” @bryanrobertson #sisv
@HeatherColman One approach to ROI is to apply it to a specific business problem. Use caution applying it to productivity gains #sisv @bryanrobertson
@theothervoog Rich User Profiles – like online dating for project managers. Great study of Continuum #thoughtfarmer #SISV
@gordonr Social intranet, meet document management. @dgibbons introduces ThoughtFarmer 4.0 #sisv
@sy4me_Jared Design affects everyone, but it isn’t democratic @karj #SISV
@chinalily Bad alignment is a terrible thing, so says @karj at #sisv Visual Literacy session http://yfrog.com/5hdyjkmj
@HeatherColman 7 building blocks to design-Basics, Balance, Alignment, Consistency, Variety, Proximity, Hierarchy, and Simplicity (most important) #sisv
@SEE_EYE_OH @karj Loved the fly-by of principles of design. Constantly referencing my thoughts back to how they influence user experience. #sisv
@bkmull3n 30-40-30 model. Telus 30% come to office, 40% mobile and 30% work form hoime #sisv #thoughtfarmer #continuum
@tinaferan EA doesn’t have a central LMS (learning management system), do other companies need one? Or should it happen along the way? #sisv
@bkmull3n #sisv, #Thoughtfarmer, #ContinuumTweets Important Behaviors in Learning 2.0 Connect, Consume, Contribute, Collaborate
@HeatherColman Intranet Requirements are different from external website in terms of familiarity, efficiency, content updates and authoring models #sisv
@bevinhernandez RT @HeatherColman: Don’t ask employees what they want re: Intranet- focus on what they do and what they actually need #sisv
@bkmull3n #sisv #continuumtweets #thoughtfarmer When people are 50+ feet apart the likelihood of collaborating more than once per week is less than 10% @gordonr #sisv
@andyjankowski Social network analysis is to social intranets what business intelligence is to ERP #sisv @gordonr
@theothervoog Eventual success occurs at the nexus of failure, thinking, and determination @gordonr #SISV
@Tim_Schiller Your intranet, not just a collaboration tool, but a great data source for tons of social network analysis! @gordonr #SISV
@sparkandco Me too…RT @SEE_EYE_OH: I like this: “Enable serendipity” in the workplace through social media and the social intranet. #sisv
@gordonr Core goal of social software training: adaptive use of flexible tools. @EphraimJF #sisv
@andyjankowski Social training done well encourages people to be “intellectual nudists” #sisv @EphraimJF
@sy4me_Jared Shared spaces and shared values overlap creating user born standards and accountability @EphraimJF #SISV
@HeatherColman Training outcomes for social intranets- Familiarity, comfort with social exposure, ownership, understand Value, shared accountability #sisv
@andyjankowski Social training approach must be: team-based, interactive, experiential, and must build accountability #sisv @EphraimJF
@selmaz Fight the FUD! Fear Uncertainty Doubt #sisv @tjhutton
@gordonr Keep your company’s harvest from going bad by having a barn-raising. @slmader #sisv
@andyjankowski Winding down #sisv tweets. Battery nearing final death. Awesome conf! Need to get one of those @thoughtfarmer headbands.
For me, the last tweet says it all. This conference was the real deal. Great people. Great content. Great tone. I look forward to the Social Intranet Summit 2011. See you there.